After-hours support
WMed's IT support is staffed from 07:30 - 17:30 Monday through Friday. This article describes how to access support options outside of that time and when each option is appropriate to use.IT Support staff
Support staff are available from 07:30 - 17:30 Monday through Friday to support normal business hours unless WMed is closed due to Holidays or organization-wide closures. Support staff are able to work from multiple locations, and will continue to be available in the case of a single campus closure.
Our goal is to help minimize the need for unplanned IT support outside of business hours. Below are some guidelines to help reduce the chance of needing support.
Technology use at events:
When utilizing WMed facilities outside of business hours, you should validate your understanding and the operation of the technology in the space/rooms that will be utilized a minimum of 1 week before the event. IT support is available to assist with any validation or training needed. For larger or high-visibility events, IT support can be scheduled on-site during the event with a minimum of 1 week notice. Any special technology needs require additional lead time and IT support should be contacted as soon as reasonable to ensure the needs can be met.
If you will need to utilize WMed's VPN for remote access to resources, you should verify that you are able to connect to the VPN and access those resources during business hours. IT support is able to assist verification if needed.
Password Management:
WMed's password management system sends daily notifications starting 14 days prior to your passwords expiration. You should change your password during business hours, if possible from a WMed campus. This ensures support will be available to assist if needed.
IT Downtime notifications:
WMed IT uses defined maintenance windows and notification methods that can be reviewed in policy IT17.
IT System monitoring:
WMed IT utilizes automated monitoring of systems and services provided by WMed. The monitoring systems notified appropriate IT personnel in the event of an outage so an investigation and restoration of service can begin prior to users contacting support.
Contact information:
All non-emergency requests for support should be submitted via the ticketing system found at
For urgent support involving time-sensitive work stoppage during business hours, the support desk should be called at 269-337-4409.
For urgent support involving time-sensitive work stoppage outside of business hours, Mike Fusko, Senior IT Director, and/or Doug Jaquays, IT Infrastructure Manager, can be contacted via PageGate. In the event that PageGate is unreachable, all WMed Executive Team members have access to contact IT leadership. Messages arriving between 08:00 and 23:00 will generally be responded to within 2 hours.
For questions or issues related to Epic outside of WMed business hours, contact Bronson's IT Support Center at 269-341-6330.