Termination/Resignation workflow for Reports to or Manager


Posted by on 10 March 2017 10:15 AM


 You will need to follow these instructions when you notify the HR department of an upcoming or immediate termination. This will guide you through the new termination/resignation process of an employee. If there are any questions/enhancements to the process, submit a ticket to support.wmed.edu. Thank you!

1. When you receive a resignation/notice of intent to resign/retire, the dates and letter (if applicable) need to be submitted to the HR department as soon as practical.

2. The new employee termination workflow will be kicked off by the HR department

3. Once the process is started by HR you will receive an email notification letting you know you have work to do in your “employee self-service”
      a. The “Employee Self-Service” is located on the WMed portal, click on “Applications”
      b. Under “Human Resources” on the bottom left is the link to “Employee Self-Service”

4. Once you log in to “Employee Self Service” you will see a blue bell at the top right hand side of the screen

5. Click on the bell to go to your “to-do” item for the termination
      a. “To-Do” items can also be found in the “My To Do Items” widget on your home screen

6. On the next screen you will see the termination “to-do” item

7. Click on the “MODIFY” button to be taken to the action where you

8. Once you click on the “MODIFY” button you will be taken to the “Action Info” screen (below)
    a. Managers are required to fill out as much information as possible out of the sections below
          i. Check Re-Hirable if the individual should have the ability to come back to the organization based on notice/their conduct
          ii. In the notes feel free to enter anything you feel is important for the organization to know about the employee
          iii. The “Notice Given” is very important because this determines the employee’s eligibility for PTO payouts
          iv. Lastly the termination reason lets HR know why the person is leaving the organization.


9. When finished with your section, click on the “MODIFY” button in the top right hand side of the screen to submit your “To-Do”


10. The next thing you may receive is a notification that the termination was approved


NOTE: You may receive a request to submit a resignation letter if you didn’t submit one to start the process



Article ID: 50
Type: Article
Classification: General
Created: 25 Jul 2024 13:22:59
Modified: 25 Jul 2024 13:22:59
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